Se afișează postările cu eticheta muzica buna. Afișați toate postările
Se afișează postările cu eticheta muzica buna. Afișați toate postările

9 februarie 2013

Multumesc unchiule google pentru youtube si videoclipurile de acolo

Chit ca uneori unchiul google mai deruteza firmele de seo (macar le modifica directia la toate - fara discriminare), ca simplu utilizator consider ca merita multumiri.

Sa nu uitam sa mai si multumim pentru aplicatiile gratuite. Doar cu ajutorul nostru se vor dezvolta si vor ramane gratuite.

La o adica te si asculta, e destul un multumesc cand il rogi sa te ajute cu un numar de telefon de taxi.

De data asta ii multumesc pentru canalul video youtube si mai ales pentru abilitatea de a aduce acolo utilizatori de treaba, care au postat videoclipuiri de vis, necunoscute, de la Eurovision, din anii 1956 si pana in trecutul apropiat.

Pe bune, e o mare arta sa aduci utilizatori pe o platforma, fie ea forum, retea sociala sau canal video.
Multi ar spune: imi iau un hosting bun, ii pun o platforma de video si gata, populatiunea posteaza.

Gresit: De cand online-ul, multi s-au intrebat Cum sa convingi utilizatorul?.

Arta, strategie, comunicare... pe care google a realizat-o cu succes.

Revenind, am gasit ieri/azi doua serii de Videoclipuri Eurovision din 1957 pe care le postez acum, in ideea ca voi reveni la ele dupa ce termin Volumul 2 din Shogun.

Seria 1 Videoclipuri Castigatori Eurovision din 1957 - 2010
Partea 1

Partea 2

Seria 2 Videoclipuri Catigatorilor la Eurovision din anii 1957 - 2009 unde deja le pierd sirul, fiind muulti utilizatorii interesati de fenomen

All winners of Eurovision Song Contest 1956 - 2009 part 1

All winner of Eurovision Song Contest 1956 - 2009 part 2

Alta serie de castigatori Eurovision

Alta serie cu toti castigatorii 1956-2012

Muzica buna, impecabila.

Multumiri unchiule Google.

3 decembrie 2012

Cu rosu, dans si lady

Adica melodia serii sau a noii saptamani: Chris DeBurgh - Lady In Red, evident existenta pe colectia cu muzica de drum, pentru un drum bun si relaxant pentru o mini-vacanta la Predeal.

Deci, videoclip Chris DeBurgh - Lady In Red

Pentru ca niciodata rosul nu e destul de rosu, intr-o placuta completare, o scurta colectie de haine de firma de culoare rosie:

haine rosii de firma

4 iulie 2012

Versuri engleza Kiss-Because I'm A Girl-J Entercom

Ca tot ma gandeam cine canta asa de frumos ceea ce in ianuarie numeam Japanese Blues. Azi am aflat ca sunt coreeni doata ziua, de acasa de la tara lu' Matiz. Ma bucur ca am gasit si versurile tks to

Videoclip frumusel Kiss - Because I'm A Girl:

Despre oamenii din video: Goo Hye Jin  si  Shin Hyun Joon

Goo Hye Jin is a korean model who began as an actress. Some websites says she is miss Korea 2000, this isn't true since it is Son Tae-Young who was miss Korea 2000.

Shin Hyun Joon (born march 24, 1968) is a korean actor famouse in asians movies, he plays a photographer who shots by chance the girl played by Goo Hye Jin.

Versuri engleza:
I just cant understand the hearts of men
they tell you they want you and then they leave you
this is the first time, you're special
I believed those words and I was so happy

you should have told me you didn't like me any more
but I couldn't see that and you just rushed me
although I will curse you I'll still miss you
since I am a girl, to whom love is everything

i heard that if you give up things too easily
to a man, he will get bored with you
i don't think this is wrong
a girl says that she will never be fooled again
but she will fall in love again

you should have told me you didn't like me any more
but I couldn't see that and you just rushed me
although I will curse you I'll still miss you
since I am a girl, to whom love is everything

Hey babe
the pain
it's not enough to describe how i feel
we were so happy together
but I know now
I've been blind
you told me that you'd never let me down
whenever I needed you you'd always be here
I can forgive but I cant forget
even though you hurt me
I still love you
I still love you

{Narration} (Guy, only in the music video)
There someone I'm in love with...
Although I can't be with her now...
I'm still in love with her...

Multumire, mare multumire unchiule Google.
La multi ani SUA pentru firma asta simpatica, ajutor util pentru atatea miliarde de oameni.

22 mai 2012

Cu Toto Cutugno, Eurovision si Ciobanas cu 300 de oi

Tks to oradeanul Cristi Ursut, via facebuc am regasit o melodie pe care stiu sa o cant in proportie de 75% (in .ro, evident): Ciobanas cu 300 de oi.

Faza simpatica e ca interpretul e unul deosebit, respectiv Toto Cutugno, un eurovisionar:

Ciobanas cu 300 de oi, interpretare Toto Cutugno:

Toto Cutugno, castigator Eurovision 1990:

Si o versiune pentru cei ce vor sa invete sa cante :)

Ciobanas cu 300 de oi, interpretare Furdui Iancu:

123 123 123 Vals, tango? Aici mai e de lucrat :)

Multumax oradene.

6 martie 2012

Neata buna cu Falco

Pentru prietenii iubitori de ora Chinei, melodia de topaiala recomandata pentru a (mai) reduce cantitatea de cafea: Videoclip Falco, Vienna Calling.

Eventual o tura de oras pustiu (ca tre sa facem si sport) cu muzica la maxim, pentru cei ce nu au curaj sa-si trezeasca vecinii la ora asta.

Videoclip indisponibil in masina, pt ca ardelenii mei de la edotec nu s-au gandit la bravii posesori de daewoo matiz. Eventual cu un dvd auto compatibil si pentru buburuze.

dvd auto

26 ianuarie 2012

Not a Sinner Not a Saint: ALCAZAR

O melodie buna, pentru o zi si mai buna: ALCAZAR "NOT A SINNER NOT A SAINT"

I am not a sinner nor a saint
You never gonna break my heart, I ain't
Gonna let it happen, noo
Am I forgiven
Confessions I make in the name of myself

Adeca video si versuri la o melodie care merge de 2 ore si inca nu se opreste :)

Videoclip youtube:


Tell me your destination
Could need some inspiration
Don't make too much of it
Now let's not analyze

This is a game with no rules
I won't comit to I do
All I can say for sure is
What will be will be

In days of joy and lack of sorrow (lack of sorrow)
I live my life the way I planned

I am not a sinner nor a saint
Not that I would loose my head and faint
Every time we touch, no
Am I forgiven
Living and loving my way

I am not a sinner nor a saint
You never gonna break my heart, I ain't
Gonna let it happen, no
Am I forgiven
Confessions I make in the name of myself

Am I a badboy, maybe
Am I a sadboy, let's see
I can't remember crying
Since I was a child

Don't need no babysitter
No I am not that bitter
I get my satisfaction
Every now and then

In days of joy and lack of sorrow (lack of sorrow)
I live my life the way I planned

I am not a sinner nor a saint
Not that I would loose my head and faint
Every time we touch, no
Am I forgiven
Living and loving my way

I am not a sinner nor a saint
You never gonna break my heart, I ain't
Gonna let it happen, noo
Am I forgiven
Confessions I make in the name of myself

Not that I would loose my head and faint
Every time we touch, noo
Am I forgiven
Living and loving my way


8 ianuarie 2012

My name is Albatjov

Primul post pe anul 2012, title=my name is Albatjov, adeca e despre muzica, cu muzica, versuri si video, respectiv Dr. Alban - One love , muzica si versuri.

Dpv muzical, 2012 e de jale. Prima sau maxim a doua melodie a anului 2012 de pe antena 1 si protv au fost ... manele.

Din fericire m-am antrenat cu noile trenduri de aproape un an, chit ca multi amici s-au cam stresat cand le-am zis ca ascult si manele.

Ca muzica, in top ramane Kenny G si restul :)

Astazi insa, cu gandul la un drum lung unde sa forjez cele 2 cu Muzica buna de drum, eventual si cu un gps auto de ultima generatie de la amicii de la edotec (iau si vopsea pan' la urma, e timpul de o farba noua pt Matiz) soarta mi-a pus in fata Dr. Alban - One love (ioi ce soarta), unde citind versurile am aflat abia acum ca

My name is Albatjov.

Relax, Albatjov nu apare pe google images :)

In consecinta:

Muzica, versuri si video Dr. Alban - One love



You're living in darkness
you've got to come to know the truth
you're living in darkness
you've got to come to see the light

Attention attention my name is Albatjov
me come for tell you about a thing called love
we have a lot of jealousy so you see
today's friends are tomorrows enemy
a lot of them are sleep a me say lot of them are work
know ya know ya have to reap what you so
we used to be friends but now we go apart
we used to be cool but now we don't talk

Ask me why boy I don't know
maybe it's jealousy between me and you
maybe it's my progress nor is it my dollar is
I've always been thinking that you are the chosen one
but your attitude problems I can't explain
I keep wondering how you can go so far
one day you might end up being having no friends
count me out 'cause JaJa says so

No more wicked people what is left one love
no more wicked people what is left one love
no more wicked people what is left one love
no more wicked people what is left one love

Anything me wanna do me do it one time
a me say anything me wanna do me do it one time
I no care what people say and my no care what they chat
me just talk sense get pan the max
them a wonder why I man get so far
'cause their attitude problems I can't explain
get up and stand get up and stand and stand up for your right
I said get up and stand get up and stand and stand up for your right

Me say man me no take no bullshit from anyone
me say man me no take no bullshit from anyone
anything me borrow me have to give it back again
anything me lend me have to give it back again
go tell your friend a when me come me come again
go tell your friend a when me come me come rough
get up and stand get up and stand and stand up for your right
get up and stand get up and stand and stand up for your right

No more wicked people what is left one love
no more wicked people what is left one love
no more wicked people what is left one love
no more wicked people what is left one love

You're loving money more than people
give a love at people
more than money
if it's one god one aid
one destiny
I told the fellow in the world
for you and for me
you're living in darkness
you should be living in the light

Thee keep no other thing one nickel buy
the rich a would a live and the poor would a die
but this is not it I want to see it – one love

One love (one love) one love (one love)
one love (one love) one love

You're living in darkness
you've got to come to know the truth
you're living in darkness
you've got to make a sacrifice

You're living in darkness
you've got to come to know the truth
you're living in darkness
you should be living in the light
one love

No more wicked people what is left one love
no more wicked people what is left one love
no more wicked people what is left one love
no more wicked people what is left one love

Aproape atat, dar youtubu mi-a aratat ca related (cum le alege doamne?) ceva super superb: YAKI-DA - I saw you dancing 

Adanci multumiri soartei si mult noroc vizitatorilor acestui personal blog (ca sanatate au avut si cei de pe titanic :)) )

21 august 2011

Muzica de la drumul de ieri: E-Rotic - Wish You Were Here

Ieri am avut chef de condus, asa ca fusai la Gorj. Evident cu cele doua cd-uri cu Muzica buna de drum
care au facut unul singur. Una din melodii mi-a placut mai mult, desi lejer se poate conduce 300 km pe oricare dintre ele:  E-Rotic - Wish You Were Here.

Deci, muzica si video youtube cu  E-Rotic - Wish You Were Here

Foarte frumusel ca are si versurile in video, calitate excelenta a sunetului.

Inca un video pe tema Wish You Were Here la Rednex Blues.

17 august 2011

CD 2: Muzica buna de drum

Dupa muzica buna de drum cd 1, continuare cu al doilea cd de ascultat pe drumuri lungi. Directorul yugo e separat, fiind o categorie din muzica sarbeasca cu care am crescut.

Deci selectie muzica buna: 

Directory of \2mp3

05.02.2010 20:40 7.036.864 01 Guess Who - Locul Potrivit(320kbps).mp3
01.08.2002 03:40 3.369.113 02 - Kaoma - Lambada.mp3
10.11.2002 21:09 3.666.741 02 Modern Talking - You're My Heart You're My Soul.mp3
01.08.2002 03:40 5.606.038 07 - Madonna - Like a Prayer.mp3
10.11.2002 21:09 2.899.351 09 Modern Talking - Cherry Cherry Lady.mp3
01.11.2002 23:24 3.787.453 1984 - 20 - Raff - Self control.mp3
01.11.2002 22:09 3.934.375 1984 - 60 - Fancy - Slice me nice.mp3
30.11.2002 07:40 5.129.481 1986 - 14 - Modern Talking - Brother Louie.mp3
30.11.2002 11:21 3.749.893 1988 - 12 - Bobby McFerrin - Don`t worry, be happy.mp3
28.11.2002 20:49 6.916.096 1990 - 14 Alannah Myles - Black Velvet.mp3
28.11.2002 20:49 4.098.048 1990 - 15 MC Hammer - U Can't Touch This.mp3
29.11.2002 09:02 4.007.936 1990 - 27 Gianna Nannini - Un'estate Italiana.MP3
28.11.2002 20:56 4.747.264 1990 - 30 Enigma - Sadeness.mp3
28.11.2002 20:57 4.272.128 1990 - 42 New Kids On The Block - Step By Step.mp3
28.11.2002 22:57 6.322.176 1990 - 55 Milli Vanilli - Girl I'm Gonna Miss You.mp3
28.11.2002 20:13 3.914.452 1990 - 95 IceMC - Scream.mp3
10.11.2002 14:13 4.970.624 1991 - 01 Scorpions - Winds of Change.mp3
10.11.2002 14:15 4.227.200 1991 - 03 Roxette - Joyride.mp3
10.11.2002 14:57 3.723.392 1991 - 24 Roxette - Fading like a flower.mp3
29.11.2002 21:31 4.587.648 1992 - 01 Dr Alban - It's My Life.mp3
20.12.2002 17:46 3.620.586 1993 - 13 - Haddaway - Life.MP3
19.12.2002 06:28 3.217.540 1994 - 47 - La Bouche - Sweet dreams.mp3
06.12.2002 19:43 4.147.328 1996 - 09 No Mercy - Where Do You Go.mp3
06.12.2002 19:47 3.682.432 1996 - 42 Peter Andre - Mysterious Girl.mp3
22.12.2002 10:56 4.171.904 1998 - 98 Fancy - Mega Mix '98.mp3
02.09.1997 08:41 3.308.824 2 Unlimited - No Limit.mp3
01.08.2002 06:40 4.263.128 47 - Enya - Orinoco Flow (Sail Away).mp3
01.08.2002 03:40 3.616.768 73 - Ice Mc - Easy.mp3
01.08.2002 02:20 3.854.298 77 - Modern Talking - Jet Airliner.mp3
09.11.1998 23:35 3.948.518 Enigma - Return To innocence.mp3
08.04.2000 19:53 3.648.418 Nana - Lonely.mp3
05.04.2001 08:42 1.936.223 QUEEN - We Will Rock You.mp3
15.12.2001 21:03 5.416.043 Samira - When I look into your eyes.mp3
22.04.2006 06:12 3.325.952 September - Satelite (remixes)
27.04.2006 02:14 3.808.572 Track No07.mp3
22.09.2007 12:38 3.857.473 Track No13.mp3
22.09.2007 12:38 3.896.344 Track No14.mp3
22.09.2007 12:38 3.817.767 Track No16.mp3
24.05.2011 18:28

16 august 2011

Back to work cu Coolio- Gangster's Paradise

Deci mai ho cu music ca mai e de lucru pe plantatie. Back to work cu Coolio- Gangster's Paradise, video si versuri ca mi-a placut mai mult.

Uitandu-ma la ultimele videoclipuri postate azi ma tot minunez: de ce uitara sa isi faca frizuri ciudate, haine tipatoare si miscari de te miri ce cafea stricata baura aseara (coregrafie cica ii zice), asa cum pare sa fie trendul la muzica noua din Romania? Memorabilitate? Soc? Marketing? :)

Ma uit la Gangster's Paradise si ma mir de simplitate.

Deci Coolio- Gangster's Paradise, video si versuri:

You want to tell me what this is all about?

As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I take a look at my life and realize there's not much left
Cause I've been blastin' and laughin so long that
Even my ma'ma thinks that my mind is gone
But I ain't never crossed a man that didn't deserve it
Me, be treated like a punk, you know that's unheard of
You better watch how you talkin, and where you walkin
Or you and your homies might be lined in chalk
I really hate to trip, but I gotta loc'-
As they grew I see myself in the pistol smoke, fool
I'm the kinda G the little homies wanna be like
On my knees in the night
Sayin prayers in the street light

Been spending most our lives living in the Gangsta's Paradise
Been spending most our lives living in the Gangsta's Paradise
Keep spending most our lives living in the Gangsta's Paradise
Keep spending most our lives living in the Gangsta's Paradise

They got the situation, they got me facin'
I can't live a normal life, I was raised by the strip
So I gotta be down with the hood team
Too much television watchin' got me chasin' dreams
I'm an educated fool with money on my mind
Got my ten in my hand and a gleam in my eye
I'm a loc'ed out gangsta, set-trippin banger
And my homies is down, so don't arouse my anger, fool
Death ain't nuthin but a heart beat away
I'm livin life do-or-die-a, what can I say?
I'm twenty-three now, but will I live to see twenty-fow'?
The way things are goin' I don't know

Tell me why are we, so blind to see
That the ones we hurt, are you and me

Been spending most our lives living in the Gangsta's Paradise
Been spending most our lives living in the Gangsta's Paradise
Keep spending most our lives living in the Gangsta's Paradise
Keep spending most our lives living in the Gangsta's Paradise

Power and the money, money and the power
Minute after minute, hour after hour
Everybody's runnin, but half of them ain't lookin
What's goin on in the kitchen, but I dont know what's cookin
They say I got ta learn, but nobody's here to teach me,
If they cant understand it, how can they reach me?
I guess they can't; I guess they won't
I guess they front; that's why I know my life is outta luck, fool!

Been spending most our lives living in the Gangsta's Paradise
Been spending most our lives living in the Gangsta's Paradise
Keep spending most our lives living in the Gangsta's Paradise
Keep spending most our lives living in the Gangsta's Paradise

Tell me why are we, so blind to see
That the ones we hurt, are you and me
Tell me why are we, so blind to see
That the ones we hurt, are you and me


Practic intereseaza REMEMBER THE TIME, desi parca il am pe CD 2 din seria muzica de drum.<

De vazut, videoclip Nana: Lonely.

Si de adaugat pe CD cu muzica de drum, in caz ca nu e: Nana - REMEMBER THE TIME


Muzica buna: Coco Jambo

Ca nu imi aminteam cum arata videoclipul de la Nana - LONELYde care aminteam in Muzica buna de drum  dat de Coco Jambo, Mr.President, o melodie numai faina de trezit la ora de trezire.

So, Coco Jambo, Mr.President:

Thak you, Mr.President

Muzica buna de drum: CD 1

Pentru ca tot se poarta muzica veche, utilizand vechea comanda dos dir>fisier.txt o lista cu primul cd pe care il ascult doar in masina, doar la drumuri lungi.

Directory of \1mp3

26.03.2008  01:30         2.791.424 10 - One Love.mp3
06.12.2002  19:43         4.147.328 1996 - 09 No Mercy - Where Do You Go.mp3
15.12.2006  14:04         3.576.604 4 THE CAUSE - STAND BY ME.mp3
13.12.2006  15:16         4.086.847 ACE OF BASE - HAPPY NATION.mp3
04.11.2007  19:06         3.518.379 Ace Of Base - It's A Beautiful Life.mp3
07.02.2005  20:57         3.268.608 ACE OF BASE - MEGAMIX.mp3
21.02.2005  23:10         3.350.528 ALCAZAR - NOT A SINER , NOT A SAINT ( RA.mp3
05.09.1999  22:05         3.516.814 ALPHAVILLE - FOREVER YOUNG.mp3
27.11.2006  23:45         3.277.763 AMADEUS - ARIZONA.mp3
14.10.2007  17:35         3.248.398 Aqua -  My Oh My.mp3
23.05.2011  18:40         4.880.856 Aqua - Barbie Girl-[].mp3
23.05.2011  18:44         5.252.634 Aqua - Cartoon Heroes-[].mp3
23.05.2011  18:41         4.907.185 Aqua - Dr Jones-[].mp3
13.12.2006  19:55         4.044.087 ART COMPANY - SUSANNA.mp3
05.12.2006  13:00         9.974.307 BAD BOYS BLUE - MEGAMIX.mp3
24.10.2003  22:15         3.616.222 BALTIMORA - TARZAN BOY.MP3
05.12.2006  13:01         4.588.801 BEATLES - HEY JUDE.MP3.mp3
24.09.2000  20:16         4.032.070 BERLIN - TAKE MY BREATH AWAY.mp3
15.02.2006  14:29         3.312.872 BOBBY SUMMER - YABBA YABBA MP3.mp3
14.12.2006  23:42         4.215.664 BOY GEORGE - DO YOU REALY WANT TO HURT ME.mp3
14.12.2006  23:43         4.073.976 BOY GEORGE - KARMA CHAMELEON.mp3
25.10.2003  11:13         5.515.517 C.C. CATCH - GOOD GUYS ONLY WIN IN MOVIES.MP3
21.08.2002  12:14         4.687.912 C.C. CATCH - MIX.MP3
11.03.2005  22:26         3.523.106 coc jumbo.mp3
24.05.2011  16:54         6.801.691 DANA DAWSON-Romantic World-[].mp3
23.05.2011  18:39         6.263.889 E Rotic - Queen of light-[].mp3
23.05.2011  18:34         4.144.858 E-Rotic - In the heat of the night (Live) (CC)-[].mp3
23.05.2011  18:13         4.640.006 E-Rotic - Wish You Were Here-[].mp3
14.10.2003  21:03         3.192.832 FALCO - AMADEUS.mp3
11.12.2006  12:35         6.729.183 FALCO - COMING HOME.mp3
05.12.2006  13:52         5.593.220 FALCO - ROCK ME AMADEUS.Mp3
19.04.2005  18:41         3.880.960 FALCO - VIENNA CALLING.mp3
16.04.1999  15:27         5.652.379 Falco-Jenny.mp3
27.02.2005  13:36         3.951.352 GAZEBO-I LKE CHOPIN.mp3
05.12.2006  13:55         2.528.364 GEORGE MICHAEL - FAITH.mp3
17.04.1999  08:54         6.507.796 GEORGE MICHAEL - LAST CHRISTMAS.MP3
12.12.2006  15:05         4.593.499 IRENE CARA - WHAT A FEELING.mp3
07.05.2001  12:04         3.897.848 JOHN THE WHISTLER - I'M IN LOVE.MP3
25.10.2003  11:15         3.786.992 JOHN THE WHISTLER - TELL ME.MP3
22.07.2008  22:50         2.911.921 Johnny Logan-Hold me now.mp3
16.03.2001  01:28         5.281.042 JOY - HELLO.MP3
16.03.2001  00:08         3.680.676 JOY - TOUCH BY TOUCH.MP3
27.08.2004  23:31         3.892.164 LAURA BRANIGAN-SELF CONTROL.mp3
13.02.2002  22:47         6.474.733 LIAN ROSS - SAY. YOU'LL NEVER.MP3
25.04.2006  01:36         3.952.350 life is life.mp3
26.10.2007  23:22         4.265.586 N.k.o.t.b - Step By Step.mp3
08.04.2000  19:53         3.648.418 Nana - Lonely.mp3
24.05.2011  16:22         3.683.413 Novi fosili - Ja sam za ples-[].mp3
13.10.2007  21:18         4.134.998 Pet Shop Boys - Domino Dancing.mp3
23.05.2011  18:10         4.610.656 Rednex - Hold Me For A While-[].mp3
29.03.2001  03:56         4.255.023 Richard marx - Right where waiting.mp3
17.04.1999  08:54         1.848.813 ROCK'N'ROLL - OH CAROL !.MP3
02.02.2008  20:41         9.290.315 Sandra - Everlastinglove.mp3
22.04.2006  06:12         3.325.952 September - Satelite (remixes)   [ ].mp3
23.05.2011  19:01         4.982.942 The Kelly Family - Fell in Love with an alien (Wetten Dass)-[].mp3
24.05.2011  16:18         4.542.204 The Kelly Family - Fell In Love With An Alien-[].mp3
06.08.2002  02:44         3.372.222 THE SHORTS - COMMENT CAVA.MP3
23.05.2011  18:59         5.326.006 Vanessa Williams - Save The Best For Last-[].mp3
22.12.2002  13:51         3.659.904 Young Deenay - Wanna Be Your Lover.mp3
23.05.2011  18:58         5.422.426 Young Deenay - Wannabe Your Lover (1998)-[].mp3

12 iunie 2011

Muzica buna: Falco - Vienna Calling

Spre deosebire de muzicile actuale sau emisiuni gen tv show unde muzicanti gen Saikira sau Radio Gaga, romanii au valoare... isi fac neste toale sau freze de nu pricepi ce tre sa faci mai repede: sa-i vezi sau sa-i auzi, dupa 25-26 de ani am vazut din intamplare videoclipul Falco, Vienna Calling, muzica ascultata in mod curent.

Cateva videoclipuri dar si versiuni de calitate superioara din acele timpuri:

Falco, Vienna Calling in concert

Falco, Vienna Calling, concert 2

De remarcat, costum costum si pume albe in picioare, alt flautist

Calitate superioara: Falco, Vienna Calling

Versiunea tv Show: Falco, Vienna Calling
Alt flautist :)

16 ianuarie 2011

2 videoclipuri vechi

Din seria "dupa ani si ani" 2 videoclipuri care mi-au retinut atentia abia acum: N&D - Vino La Mine si Angels - Asa-s baietii .

In loc sa scriu despre filmul de aseara (The Mist), sau sa pun inca doua update la primii ghiocei din 2011, vad pe facebucu tipului din discutia traznita videoclipul cu N&D - Vino La Mine, oferit ca bonus pe primele reviste de it cu CD de prin 1995-1997, sub miraculosul format mp3 (parca, daca exista), sens in care imi si propusesem sa le salvez intr-o colectie.

De unde net tata la timpurile alea? :)

Videoclip N&D - Vino La Mine

Pe pagina youtube cu video N&D, Vino La Mine, surpriza, mare surpriza: videoclip Angels - Asa-s baietii, aflat inca in curs de evaluare pe cd-urile din matiz-ul din dotare :) , ocazie cu care ii vad pentru prima data, poate si voi.

Videoclip Angels: Asa-s baietii

(re)Vedere placuta!

4 ianuarie 2011

Japanese blues: J Entercom - Kiss, melodie de inceput an bun

Tks to Livia, ma trezi in plina eclipsa partiala de soare cu un videoclip super simpatic pe yahoo messenger: J Entercom - Kiss.

Prima data am azuit de ei, canta super si nu stiu de ce mi-au amintit de melodia mea preferata de la Falco.

Una an nou frumos sa aveti! La multi ani!

20 decembrie 2010

Laura Stoica, Un Actor Grabit | melodia de luni dimineata

Ca inca imi place, Laura Stoica - Un Actor Grabit, in doua videcolipuri superbe.

Nu mai stiu cand a fost lansat, oricum, il ascultam in veselie inclusiv la cheful de plecat in armata prin decembrie 1991.

Videoclip Laura Stoica - Un Actor Grabit

Al doilea e de fapt doar link catre videoclip, ca nu lasara la liber codul pentru blog. Deci cu delicatete, click aici ca sa il vedeti pe youtube.

Alt videoclip in schimb, cu sunet mai ciudat.

Nota: nu cred ca a fost la Eurovizion precum Balerina, desi merita.

19 decembrie 2010

Melodia de duminica seara: Nicoleta Alexandru, Balerina

O melodie superba de ascultat de duminica seara, prin fulgi de zapada: Nicoleta Alexandru, Balerina. Ma jur ca habar nu am avut ca fu si la Eurovision in 1992.

Dati sunetul mai tare, calitate destul de slaba.

Videoclip Nicoleta Alexandru, Balerina

7 noiembrie 2010

Rednex, Hold Me For A While remix

Restaurand postul Rednex are doua bluesuri, am gasit si o versiune adaptata la noile trenduri de pe piata muzicii Rednex, Hold Me For A While remix.


Videoclip youtube Rednex, Hold Me For A While remix

si o versiune normala, mai noua:

Rednex, Hold Me For A While

September - Satellites

Ca mi-a placut si versiunea asta de September - Satellites.

Din trecut:

September Satellites reminder

Video September Satellites. (multe versiuni)