Muzica populara superba: Dzej Ramadanovski - Hej mala malena
Si acum alegeti: sa fie sarbeasca sau romaneasca? Schimbati doar cuvintele, acelasi efect garantat.
Muzica tiganeasca, foarte apreciata atat de romanii cat si de alte nationalitati din Orsova, la nunti sau nedei. Poate acum manelele au un plus de noutate, dar muzica buna, ramane muzica buna.
In plus, Banatul ramane fruncea, oriunde ar fi.
Videoclip Dzej Ramadanovski - Hej mala malena
Blog sorin frumuseanu | Sa nu uiti Darie: Jurnal online despre lucruri pe care vreau sa-mi amintesc
22 iulie 2007
Eurovision 1986
Castigatoare, Belgia cu Sandra Kim - J'aime La Vie si cred ca pe locul doi Elvetia cu Daniela Simons - Pas Pour Moi.
Parca totusi Daniela Simons merita locul intai, videoclipul si muzica e superb.
Videoclip Daniela Simons - Pas Pour Moi
Eurovision 1986
Videoclip Sandra Kim - J'aime La Vie
Eurovision 1986 - Sandra Kim - J'aime la vie
Parca totusi Daniela Simons merita locul intai, videoclipul si muzica e superb.
Videoclip Daniela Simons - Pas Pour Moi
Eurovision 1986
Videoclip Sandra Kim - J'aime La Vie
Eurovision 1986 - Sandra Kim - J'aime la vie
muzica buna,
youtube video
Yugoslavia la Eurovision
Cautam ceva. Nu mai stiu cum se numesc exact, dar ii gasesc eu.
Pana atunci am gasit un videoclip dragut cu formatiile yugoslave participante la Eurovision, in perioada 1981-1992
Cica mai e un youtube eurovision Yugoslavia 1963-1990.
Favoritii mei : Novi Fosili - Ja Sam Za Ples
Pacat ca pe parcurs s-au impartit in Slovenia, Coatia, Bosnia...
Pana atunci am gasit un videoclip dragut cu formatiile yugoslave participante la Eurovision, in perioada 1981-1992
Cica mai e un youtube eurovision Yugoslavia 1963-1990.
Favoritii mei : Novi Fosili - Ja Sam Za Ples
Pacat ca pe parcurs s-au impartit in Slovenia, Coatia, Bosnia...
Yugoslavia | muzica sarbesca
De ce iubim muzica sarbeasca?
Videoclipul urmator de exemplu: Srbija se umirit ne moze
Pentru ca e "acasa"?
Pentru ca e buna?
Pentru ca Orsova e parte din Banatul Sarbesc?
Nu am fost acasa sa vad daca de Sfantul Ilie a fost nedeie. De obicei se facea undeva in Nord. Si de fiecare data Sfantul Ilie pornea cu carul pe cer si dadea cu biciul, adica furtuna cu fulegere obisnuite in acea zi.
Dar vine iar Sfanta Marie mica in Magrini, pe 8-9 septembrie. Poate se va face anul asta.
Acolo de obicei cantau muzica de acest gen. In videoclip oamenii par sa joace moravatul, foarte cunoscut de orsoveni.
Ca parere personala, am un respect deosebit pentru poporul iugoslav si cel american: oameni care simt viata, care stiu sa se distreze, oameni veseli si prietenosi. Nu am inteles niciodata bombardamentele din Bosnia si ulterior din Yugoslavia, dar cu o remarca din The X Files, "adevarul e mai presus decat noi".
Videoclipul urmator de exemplu: Srbija se umirit ne moze
Pentru ca e "acasa"?
Pentru ca e buna?
Pentru ca Orsova e parte din Banatul Sarbesc?
Nu am fost acasa sa vad daca de Sfantul Ilie a fost nedeie. De obicei se facea undeva in Nord. Si de fiecare data Sfantul Ilie pornea cu carul pe cer si dadea cu biciul, adica furtuna cu fulegere obisnuite in acea zi.
Dar vine iar Sfanta Marie mica in Magrini, pe 8-9 septembrie. Poate se va face anul asta.
Acolo de obicei cantau muzica de acest gen. In videoclip oamenii par sa joace moravatul, foarte cunoscut de orsoveni.
Ca parere personala, am un respect deosebit pentru poporul iugoslav si cel american: oameni care simt viata, care stiu sa se distreze, oameni veseli si prietenosi. Nu am inteles niciodata bombardamentele din Bosnia si ulterior din Yugoslavia, dar cu o remarca din The X Files, "adevarul e mai presus decat noi".
muzica sarbeasca,
youtube video,
Alphaville - versuri, videoclip, istorie
Uite cum ajunge omu' sa vada un videoclip dupa 20 de ani :) : Alphaville
(Continuare la Status Quo In The Army Now)
De la vechiul radio... cam greu sa vezi videoclipul. Erau, intr-adevar, pe timpuri, la Televiziunea Yugoslava, in emisiunile de noapte "I noc i dan" mai dadeau videcolipurile, (unde, printre altele, puteai sa vezi si Benny Hill pe saturate dar cine isi mai aminteste?Un ochi aruncat pe wiki spune ca s-au lansat din anii '80. Si sunt nemtisori
M-am uitat cum erau imbracati atunci, cum ce vroiau sa atraga publicul (cu exceptia muzicii extraordinare). Am remarcat... pantalonii gen piramide.
Pe timpuri a fost o moda a blugilor pyramide: Largi sus si ingusti jos. Sincer, foarte practici, nu iti flendareau bucati de material inutile ca la pantalonii evazati care se purtau pana nu demult.
Imi amintesc ca erau croitorese specializate pentru modificarea blugilor obisnuiti ca sa dea forma de piramide.
Nebunie mare si atunci. Ca prea putini aveau/gaseau blugi, e alta poveste. Dar Yugoslavia era aproape si piata era plina.
Similar cu Serialul TV Dynasty, ma intrebasem de ce nu vedem prea des astfel de videoclipuri sau seriale (care incontestabil si-au dovetit calitatea in timp) la actualele televiziuni oferite de serviciile de CATV.
Dupa o mica documentare, explicatia pare insa sa fie simpla: plasarea reclamelor contextuale.
Probabil e destul de greu sa faci reclama (doar televiziunea respectiva e societate comerciala sin din asta traieste) unui autoturism de ultima generatie, in contextul unui film cu superbe autoturisme din anii 1980, sau unui iPod, ( cu "N" melodii polifonice sau ce o mai fi), imediat dupa un videoclip de acum 20 de ani, total diferit de piata actuala.
OK, pentru vanzari de "best old music" e perfect, lucru care se si vede pe posturile de televiziune specializate (unde or fi? cati mai au in grila VH1?), dar cu atata muzica noua si bani investiti in promovarea ei... lumea trebuie sa cumpere ce e trendy. Acest lucru mi-a fost confirmat de o amica, in timp ce ma cautam cideoclipuri cu Novi Fosili si Bjaga I instructori.
Tocmai isi cumparase un telefon mobil nou, Samsung X830
Dimensiuni 84 x 30 x 20 mm, MP3/AAC/AAC+/e-AAC+/WMA player, Polyphonic (64 channels), MP3, 1 GB embedded memory , 1.3 MP, 1280 x 1024 pixels, video.
Mai are si alte facilitati: xhtml bowser (bine ca sute de companii se bat sa faca monitoare LCD/TFT de 19, 21 si mai mult de inch in timp sigur se va gasi cineva dispus sa se chinuie pe un "monitor" minuscul de 128 x 220 pixels 1.46 inches), wap... dar totul insa dotat cu ... Standard battery, Li-Ion.
amica yahoo mess (7/22/2007 1:52:28 PM): ba da
sorin frumuseanu (7/22/2007 1:52:30 PM): nokia 5110 e
amica yahoo mess (7/22/2007 1:56:55 PM): te oftici
amica yahoo mess (7/22/2007 1:56:58 PM): am inteles
sorin frumuseanu (7/22/2007 1:56:59 PM): vise
sorin frumuseanu (7/22/2007 1:57:00 PM): deloc
amica yahoo mess (7/22/2007 1:57:02 PM):
sorin frumuseanu (7/22/2007 1:57:12 PM): sunt mutumit de telu meu
sorin frumuseanu (7/22/2007 1:57:21 PM): semnal peste tot..
sorin frumuseanu (7/22/2007 1:57:27 PM): camera digitala separata
sorin frumuseanu (7/22/2007 1:57:47 PM): 300 de poze facute pe drum orsova-tg mures
amica yahoo mess (7/22/2007 1:57:55 PM): ok
amica yahoo mess (7/22/2007 1:58:05 PM):
sorin frumuseanu (7/22/2007 1:58:23 PM): si mai avea spatiu
sorin frumuseanu (7/22/2007 1:58:31 PM): dar m-au lasat acumulatorii
Nu prea am priceput cu ce vroia sa ma ajute. Eventual pe micutii japonezi stresati de tehnologii avansate, care au ajuns pana la acumulatori pe baza de hidrogen, ca sa dea mai mult curent.
Orice ai face, un acumulator Litiu ion nu are cum sa scoata mai mult curent, asta e chimia si basta.
Daca se documenta mai bine, vedea si cat timp poate vorbi la un telefon Samsung X830, cate fotografii poate sa faca si nu in ultimul rand de sensibil e la socuri.
Evident, cu acelasi acumulator. De puterea semnalului nici nu se pune problema in comparatie cu Nokia 5110. Eventual cu o baterie de dacie in spate...
Pe postul de televiziune Antena 2 vazusem o emisiune unde, printre altele, se discuta si despre telefonul de 2X mii euro al domului Diaconescu de la OTV.
Probabil ca astfel de telefoane mobile arata bine pe masa, la diverse party, dar din punct de vedere functional (ca telefon mobil) iti mai trebuie inca unul cu adevarat bun, respectiv Nokia 5110.
Dar asta e reclama, asta trebuie sa se vanda si cum spunea un tip la referinte, pareri, impresii: e telefon de fitze. De remarcat si faptul ca se aude mai slab: nu de flori de cucu ci pentru ca sunetul mai puternic inseamna mai mult curent consumat. Si de unde sa mai iasa din micutul acumulator?
In plus, este un produs "all in one". Cei care lucreaza mai mult cu computerele, stiu ca orice echipament IT all in one e mult mai ieftin decat fiecare componenta luata separat, pornind de la placile de baza pana la renumitele "multifunctionale". Ups... asta nu se spune in reclame ca nu da bine
Dar sa revenim la adevaratele valori, muzica buna: Forever Young, alaturi de inca doua videoclipuri, prea putin cunoscute: Big In Japan si Sounds Like A Melody.
Videoclip Alphaville - Forever Young | |
Videoclip Alphaville - Big In Japan | Videoclip Alphaville - Sounds Like A Melody |
Versuri Alphaville - Forever Young | |
Let's dance in style, Let's dance for a while Heaven can wait, We're only watching the skies Hoping for the best But expecting the worst Are you going to drop the bomb or not???? Let us die young or let us live forever We don't have the power But we never say never Sitting in a sandpit, Life is a short trip The music's for the sad men Can you imagine when this race is won?? Turn our golden faces into the sun Praising our leaders, We're getting in tune The music's played by the madmen Forever young, I want to be forever young Do you really want to live forever Forever -- and ever Some are like water Some are like the heat Some are a melody and some are the beat Sooner or later, they all will be gone Why don't they stay young? It's so hard to get old without a cause I don't want to perish like a fading horse Youth's like diamonds in the sun And diamonds are forever So many adventures couldn't happen today So many songs we forgot to play So many dreams swinging out of the blue We'll let them come true Forever young... | |
Versuri Alphaville - Big In Japan | Versuri Alphaville - Sounds Like A Melody |
Winter's cityside Crystal bits of snowflakes All around my head and in the wind I had no illusions That I'd ever find a glimpse Of summer's heat waves in your eyes You did what you did to me Now it's history I see Here's my comeback on the road again Things will happen while they can I will wait here for my man tonight It's easy when you're big in Japan Aha when you're big in Japan -- tonight... Big in Japan -- be tight... Big in Japan... ooh the eastern sea's so blue Big in Japan -- alright, Pay! -- Then I'll sleep by your side Things are easy when you're big in Japan Oh when you're big in Japan Neon on my naked skin, passing silhouettes Of strange illuminated mannequins Shall I stay here at the zoo Or should I go and change my point of view For other ugly scenes You did what you did to me Now it's history I see Things will happen while they can I will wait here for my man tonight It's easy when you're big in Japan Aah when you're big in Japan -- tonight... Big in Japan -- be tight... Big in Japan... ooh the eastern sea's so blue Big in Japan -- alright, Pay! -- Then I'll sleep by your side Things are easy when you're big in Japan Oh when you're big in Japan | It's a trick of my mind Two faces bathing in the screenlight She's so soft and warm in my arms I tune it into the scene My hands are resting on her shoulders When we're dancing away for a while Oh we're moving, we're falling, We step into the fire By the hour of the wolf in a midnight dream There's no reason to hurry Just start that brand new story Set it alight, we're head over heels in love, Head over heels... The ringing of your laughter It sounds like a melody To once forbidden places We'll go for a while It's the definite show Our shadows resting in the moonlight It's so clear and bright in your eyes It's the touch of your sighs My lips are resting on your shoulder When we're moving so soft and slow We need the ecstasy, the jealousy, The comedy of love Like the Cary Grants and Kellys once before Give me more tragedy, more harmony And fantasy, my dear And set it alight, just starting that satellite Set it alight... The ringing of your laughter It sounds like a melody To once forbidden places, We'll go for a while |
Alphaville |
Alphaville is a German synthpop/-rock music group which gained popularity in the 1980s. The founding members were Marian Gold (real name Hartwig Schierbaum, born May 26, 1954 in Herford), Bernhard Lloyd (real name Bernhard G����ling, born June 6, 1960 in Enger, Bielefeld) and Frank Mertens (real name Frank Sorgatz, born October 26, 1961 in Enger, Bielefeld). The band was at first named Forever Young. Alphaville are best known for their two biggest hits, "Big in Japan" and "Forever Young."
In 1984 the re-named Alphaville released their debut single "Big in Japan", followed by "Sounds Like a Melody" and "Forever Young", quickly followed by the album Forever Young. Despite its success Frank Mertens left the band in the same year and was replaced by Ricky Echolette (born Wolfgang Neuhaus, in Cologne, August 6, 1960) in January 1985 - already credited in "Forever Young" album.
"Big In Japan" was their biggest U.S. and UK success, shooting to #1 on Billboard's Dance chart, number 8 on the official UK chart and #1 on the German Charts, in Switzerland and in Sweden, #2 in Italy and in the Netherlands, #3 in Norway, #4 in Austria and Ireland, #5 in South Africa and #13 in France. While they never again achieved a UK Top 20 hit, in the U.S. several of their releases went Top 40 on the American Dance charts. They were less successful at mainstream U.S. radio, reflected by their showing on the Billboard Hot 100 Singles charts, where "Big" only reached #66. The next single "Sounds like a Melody" reached the top 10 in Austria, Turkey, Germany, Italy, France, South Africa, Norway, Sweden (#1) and Switzerland where Alphaville had a huge success. The first U.S. release of the following single "Forever Young" failed to scale the charts, even it was again a Top 10 hit in Germany, Turkey, Italy, South Africa, Norway, Sweden (#1) and Switzerland in 1984/1985. A fourth single, "The Jet Set", from their debut album gave them another German, Swiss and Swedish charts hit.
In that year, amid reports pop star Laura Branigan was featuring the song on her next album, Hold Me, Alphaville's "Forever Young" was re-released as a single in the U.S., and again floundered in the lower recesses of the chart. Branigan's version, though promoted on stickers adorning the album, subsequently remai
ned an album cut in the U.S., though it was released to radio in South America. She would go on to perform the song as an encore at nearly every concert she performed, from her 1985 tour until her death in 2004. The Alphaville version was released a third time in the U.S. in 1988, to promote Alphaville: The Singles Collection, and peaked this time at #65. Their highest U.S. Singles chart showing, it was also their last. International re-releases of Alphaville's "Forever Young" followed in 1989, 1996, and 2001. Several covers have been recorded and remixed, featuring male or female vocalists often erroneously attributed to be Alphaville's Marian Gold, or Laura Branigan. "Forever Young" was performed by Kiki and Herb as part of their show Alive From Broadway.[1]
Afternoons in Utopia
In 1986 the second album Afternoons in Utopia was successfully released and its first single "Dance with me" was a big international Top 20 hit (#4 in Norway, #4 in South Africa, #5 in Sweden, #9 in Switzerland, #11 in Germany, #14 in France, etc.). The album spawned two more minor hits in Germany and Switzerland, "Universal Daddy" and "Jerusalem". This LP was followed in 1989 by The Breathtaking Blue, including the highly acclaimed singles (if not so successful chart hits) "Romeos" and "Mysteries of Love". The album was released as a CD+G, including black & white stills with original lyrics and German translation. As an alternative to individual music videos, the band enlisted nine producers, among them Godfrey Reggio (Koyaanisqatsi), to create a film entitled Songlines based on the album's tracks.
The next album, Prostitute, was not released until 1994. In 1996 Ricky Echolette left the band. Salvation, a back-to-the-root opus, followed in 1997. Stark Naked and Absolutely Live was released in 2000, followed by the remix album Forever Pop in 2001. A DVD - Little America - was released in 2001 documenting two concerts performed in Salt Lake City, Utah. Two box-sets have also been released ; rather than being collections of previously released album tracks they are actually 12 unique albums, several live, several rarities and outtakes, and several newly recorded. The first box, of eight discs, was released in 1999 (called Dreamscapes) and the second in 2003 (called CrazyShow or Dreamscapes 9-12). Part of the material of CrazyShow was previously released to the internet via the Alphaville Official website. In 2006 the band released "Dreamscapes Revisited", available by download only, which was welcomed particularly by those fans who had been unable to obtain a copy of the original "Dreamscapes" which had had a limited production run.
Bernhard Lloyd did not contribute to the CrazyShow album, and shortly after its release, on March 18, 2003 he officially left the group. The current core stage members of Alphaville are Marian Gold (vocals), Martin Lister (keyboards), David Goodes (guitars) and Pierson Grange (drums).
Marian Gold has released two solo albums (So Long Celeste, 1992 and United, 1996) alongside his work in the band, both mixing personal creations and covers.
Bernhard Lloyd also worked on a project named Atlantic Popes with singer Max Holler, a 13-track CD. In 1996 Frank Mertens started on a musical project called Maelstrom which was a combination of ambient-style music, impressionistic and colorful art in the form of paintings and sculptures, and etheric poetry. This project seems now to have been abandoned, though, as Mertens has not been visibly active with it.
In the first part of 2006, Australian guitar band Youth Group took their remake of Forever Young to #1 in the Official Australian Charts, thanks in part to exposure the track had received from being on popular US TV series The O.C.'s fifth TV soundtrack CD.
At present the band keeps on touring and working on new material, has just re-signed with WEA, and could release its next album in 2007. Song titles for the next release include "Gallery," "Around the Universe," "My Very Blood," and "Sweet Dreams."
In 1984 the re-named Alphaville released their debut single "Big in Japan", followed by "Sounds Like a Melody" and "Forever Young", quickly followed by the album Forever Young. Despite its success Frank Mertens left the band in the same year and was replaced by Ricky Echolette (born Wolfgang Neuhaus, in Cologne, August 6, 1960) in January 1985 - already credited in "Forever Young" album.
"Big In Japan" was their biggest U.S. and UK success, shooting to #1 on Billboard's Dance chart, number 8 on the official UK chart and #1 on the German Charts, in Switzerland and in Sweden, #2 in Italy and in the Netherlands, #3 in Norway, #4 in Austria and Ireland, #5 in South Africa and #13 in France. While they never again achieved a UK Top 20 hit, in the U.S. several of their releases went Top 40 on the American Dance charts. They were less successful at mainstream U.S. radio, reflected by their showing on the Billboard Hot 100 Singles charts, where "Big" only reached #66. The next single "Sounds like a Melody" reached the top 10 in Austria, Turkey, Germany, Italy, France, South Africa, Norway, Sweden (#1) and Switzerland where Alphaville had a huge success. The first U.S. release of the following single "Forever Young" failed to scale the charts, even it was again a Top 10 hit in Germany, Turkey, Italy, South Africa, Norway, Sweden (#1) and Switzerland in 1984/1985. A fourth single, "The Jet Set", from their debut album gave them another German, Swiss and Swedish charts hit.
In that year, amid reports pop star Laura Branigan was featuring the song on her next album, Hold Me, Alphaville's "Forever Young" was re-released as a single in the U.S., and again floundered in the lower recesses of the chart. Branigan's version, though promoted on stickers adorning the album, subsequently remai
ned an album cut in the U.S., though it was released to radio in South America. She would go on to perform the song as an encore at nearly every concert she performed, from her 1985 tour until her death in 2004. The Alphaville version was released a third time in the U.S. in 1988, to promote Alphaville: The Singles Collection, and peaked this time at #65. Their highest U.S. Singles chart showing, it was also their last. International re-releases of Alphaville's "Forever Young" followed in 1989, 1996, and 2001. Several covers have been recorded and remixed, featuring male or female vocalists often erroneously attributed to be Alphaville's Marian Gold, or Laura Branigan. "Forever Young" was performed by Kiki and Herb as part of their show Alive From Broadway.[1]
Afternoons in Utopia
In 1986 the second album Afternoons in Utopia was successfully released and its first single "Dance with me" was a big international Top 20 hit (#4 in Norway, #4 in South Africa, #5 in Sweden, #9 in Switzerland, #11 in Germany, #14 in France, etc.). The album spawned two more minor hits in Germany and Switzerland, "Universal Daddy" and "Jerusalem". This LP was followed in 1989 by The Breathtaking Blue, including the highly acclaimed singles (if not so successful chart hits) "Romeos" and "Mysteries of Love". The album was released as a CD+G, including black & white stills with original lyrics and German translation. As an alternative to individual music videos, the band enlisted nine producers, among them Godfrey Reggio (Koyaanisqatsi), to create a film entitled Songlines based on the album's tracks.
The next album, Prostitute, was not released until 1994. In 1996 Ricky Echolette left the band. Salvation, a back-to-the-root opus, followed in 1997. Stark Naked and Absolutely Live was released in 2000, followed by the remix album Forever Pop in 2001. A DVD - Little America - was released in 2001 documenting two concerts performed in Salt Lake City, Utah. Two box-sets have also been released ; rather than being collections of previously released album tracks they are actually 12 unique albums, several live, several rarities and outtakes, and several newly recorded. The first box, of eight discs, was released in 1999 (called Dreamscapes) and the second in 2003 (called CrazyShow or Dreamscapes 9-12). Part of the material of CrazyShow was previously released to the internet via the Alphaville Official website. In 2006 the band released "Dreamscapes Revisited", available by download only, which was welcomed particularly by those fans who had been unable to obtain a copy of the original "Dreamscapes" which had had a limited production run.
Bernhard Lloyd did not contribute to the CrazyShow album, and shortly after its release, on March 18, 2003 he officially left the group. The current core stage members of Alphaville are Marian Gold (vocals), Martin Lister (keyboards), David Goodes (guitars) and Pierson Grange (drums).
Marian Gold has released two solo albums (So Long Celeste, 1992 and United, 1996) alongside his work in the band, both mixing personal creations and covers.
Bernhard Lloyd also worked on a project named Atlantic Popes with singer Max Holler, a 13-track CD. In 1996 Frank Mertens started on a musical project called Maelstrom which was a combination of ambient-style music, impressionistic and colorful art in the form of paintings and sculptures, and etheric poetry. This project seems now to have been abandoned, though, as Mertens has not been visibly active with it.
In the first part of 2006, Australian guitar band Youth Group took their remake of Forever Young to #1 in the Official Australian Charts, thanks in part to exposure the track had received from being on popular US TV series The O.C.'s fifth TV soundtrack CD.
At present the band keeps on touring and working on new material, has just re-signed with WEA, and could release its next album in 2007. Song titles for the next release include "Gallery," "Around the Universe," "My Very Blood," and "Sweet Dreams."
Status Quo - In The Army Now
Versuri, videoclip si istorie Status Quo - In The Army Now
Auzisem melodia din intamplare, pe un post de radio, noaptea trecuta in Matiz. Primul gand: Alphaville!!! Buni de pus pe Sa nu uiti Darie.
Nu stiam cum se numeste melodia, dar eram ferm convins ca era Alphaville. Ma si gandeam, dau un search si imposibil sa nu regasesc si melodia de la radio. Dar uite ca a fost imposibil, pentru ca de fapt erau Status Quo.
Pe la 8-10 ani inregistram muzica buna de la radio "O melodie pentu fiecare" sau de pe posturile bulgaresti sau yugoslave, cu emisie un FM. Fiind pe aceeasi caseta, ii confundam probabil.
In final am regasit videoclipul In The Army Now, ocazie cu caere am dat si un search dupa ca sa regasesc istoria Status Quo si sa nu-i mai confund pe viitor: Trupa din 1962 care inca mai canta.
On the 1 July 2007, they performed in front of 63,000 people at the newly built Wembley Stadium as part of the Concert for Diana.
Ca om de internet, e normal sa ma intreb: Cate din actualele websiteuri romanesti vor rezista 10, 20 de ani?
Video Status Quo - In The Army Now
Versuri Status Quo - In The Army Now
A vacation in a foreign land
Uncle Sam does the best he can
You're in the army now
Oh, oh, you're in the army now
Now you remember what the draftsman said
Nothing to do all day but stay in bed
You're in the army now
Oh, oh, you're in the army now
You be the hero of the neighborhood
Nobody knows that you left for good
You're in the army now
Oh, oh, you're in the army now
Smiling faces as you wait to land
But once you get there no one gives a damn
You're in the army now
Oh, oh, you're in the army now
Hand grenades flying over your head
Missiles flying over your head
If you want to survive get out of bed
You're in the army now
Oh, oh, you're in the army now
Shots ring out in the dad of night
The sergeant calls (stand up and fight)
You're in the army now
Oh, oh, you're in the army now
You've got your orders better shoot on sight
Your finger's on the trigger
But it don't seem right
You're in the army now
Oh, oh, you're in the army now
You're in the army now
Oh, oh, you're in the army now
Night is falling and you just can't see
Is this illusion or reality
You're in the army now
Oh, oh, you're in the army now
You're in the army now
Oh, oh, you're in the army now
Oh, oh, you're in the army now
Status Quo are an English rock band whose music is characterised by a strong boogie line. The group was founded by bassist Alan Lancaster and guitarist Francis Rossi in 1962.
Early career
Status Quo began as a rock and roll freakbeat band in 1962. At Sedgehill Comprehensive School, Beckenham Francis Rossi and Alan Lancaster who were members of the same orchestra, started a band called The Scorpions. Changing their name to The Spectres, Rossi and Lancaster played their first gig at the Samuel Jones Sports Club in Dulwich, South London. In 1963 they added drummer John Coghlan. They began writing their own material and after a year met Rick Parfitt who was playing with a band called The Highlights. By the end of 1965, Rossi and Parfitt, who had become close friends, made a commitment to continue working together. On July 18, 1966 The Spectres signed a five-year deal with Piccadilly Records, releasing two singles that year, 'I (Who Have Nothing)' and 'Hurdy Gurdy Man' (written by Alan Lancaster), and one the next year called 'We Ain't Got Nothing Yet', but all three sank without trace.
[edit] History of the band
By 1967, the group discovered psychedelia and changed their name to Traffic (later Traffic Jam, to avoid confusion with Steve Winwood's Traffic.) At this time the line-up also included organist Roy Lynes. They released another single 'Almost But Not Quite There' which was also a flop.Late in 1968, the band became The Status Quo and released the very successful Top 10 single "Pictures of Matchstick Men" in November. Rick Parfitt was invited to join the band just as this hit the charts.The single charted as high as Number 7. The band followed it up with "Ice in The Sun", which was almost as successful, climbing to Number 8. "Pictures of Matchstick Men" remains the only Top 40 hit single the group has ever charted in the United States. Though the group's albums have been released in the United States throughout their career, they have never achieved the same level of success and fame there that they have enjoyed in their home country.
After their second album Spare Parts they decided to change into a heavy boogie rock band, abandoning the Carnaby Street fashions of the late 60s and donning instead worn out denims and t-shirts. This look was to become their trademark throughout the 70s. Lynes, apparently unhappy with the reduced emphasis on keyboards in the group���s heavier sound, left in 1971, to be replaced initially by guest keyboard studio players, including Jimmy Horowitz and John Parker, and later, on a more permanent basis on record and stage, by ex-The Herd and Judas Jump member Andy Bown, though as he was contracted as a solo artist with EMI, he was not credited as a full-time member until 1982. After two well-received but relatively poor selling albums in 1970 and 1971, their major breakthrough came when they signed with the well-respected heavy rock and progressive label, Vertigo. Their first album for Vertigo, Piledriver came in 1972 and heralded an even heavier self-produced sound. This album was essentially the template for every subsequent album they released up until Blue for You in 1976. During this period, and throughout the rest of the 70s, they became one of the UK's leading rock bands, gaining a faithful following due to their live gigs. They are best known for songs from this era such as "Paper Plane" (1972), "Caroline" (1973), "Down Down" (1975), "Rockin' All Over the World" (1977) and "Whatever You Want" (1979). "Down Down" topped the UK singles chart in January 1975, their first of two British number one singles to date.
From 1978 onwards their sound became more polished as outside producers were enlisted. Sales remained high in the UK throughout the 80s, but there were tensions within the band, and founding members John Coghlan and Alan Lancaster both left during this period. Coghlan left in late 1981, to be replaced by Pete Kircher from the 1960s pop band Honeybus. This short-lived line-up played its last gig in 1984 at the Milton Keynes Bowl, and reformed briefly to open the Live Aid charity event at Wembley in July 1985.
Francis Rossi
Francis Rossi
That year Rossi recorded and released two solo singles with longtime writing partner Bernie Frost. Parfitt was also working on a solo album which is still unreleased, although some tracks have been re-recorded by Status Quo and released as B-sides. Bass player John Edwards and drummer Jeff Rich, both ex-Judie Tzuke Band and Climax Blues Band, assisted Parfitt in the studio.
In the summer of 1985 Rossi, Parfitt and Bown, along with Edwards and Rich started work on a new album. Lancaster, who was living in Australia at the time, took out a legal injunction to stop the band using the Status Quo name on any records. The injunction was lifted after a court hearing in January 1986. Lancaster had had increasing musical differences with the group, notably during the sessions for the 1983 album Back to Back over two tracks which became hit singles for the group around that time. He had written "Ol' Rag Blues", but was angered when the producers chose to release a version with Rossi singing lead vocal in preference to the one sung by himself, and he objected to "Marguerita Time", which he thought unduly corny and too pop-oriented for them. He remained in Australia, and in 1986 he joined a band called 'Party Boys', who had no success in Britain. He left the band in 1987.
Rick Parfitt
Rick Parfitt
The commercially successful In the Army Now album was released in 1986, the single of the same name becoming one of the band's biggest selling UK singles, reaching number 2. The following album, Ain't Complaining, released in 1988, was less successful but did produce the single "Burning Bridges", which got to number 3. This was subsequently re-recorded with new lyrics in April 1994 with Manchester United Football Club as "Come on You Reds", giving the band their second UK Number 1. However the early to mid 1990s saw reduced album sales for the band. They were not helped by falling victim to Matthew Bannister���s shake up of BBC Radio 1 and they lost the subsequent court case they brought against the station. Parfitt had to undergo heart surgery in 1997, but was able to overcome it and make a successful return with a memorable performance in Norwich three months later. Rich left in 2000 and was replaced by Matt Letley. Andrew Bown also took a year off at the same time for family reasons, and was temporarily replaced on stage by Paul Hirsh, formerly of Voyager.
Although Quo still release new material every few years, recent years have seen them release a series of greatest hits compilations and covers albums. One of the band's most recent original albums, Heavy Traffic, is considered by many fans to show a return to their classic 1970s form.
They have a loyal group of fans in the United Kingdom, where they have enjoyed more hits than any other group in rock and roll history (over 60 as of 2006), as well as a big following in mainland Europe, most notably in The Netherlands.
In September 2005, a contestant on the long-running BBC television quiz programme Mastermind chose Status Quo as his specialist subject. That same year they took part in the long running ITV soap opera Coronation Street in a storyline which involved them being sued by the layabout Les Battersby, and performing live at his wedding as compensation.
In December 2005, it was announced that Parfitt was undergoing tests for throat cancer. All subsequent dates of the UK tour were cancelled as a result. However, the growths in Parfitt's throat were found to be benign and were removed successfully.
In November 2006, they performed in a Children in Need feature called "How Clean Is Your Gig?", looking at their tour bus.
On the 1 July 2007, they performed in front of 63,000 people at the newly built Wembley Stadium as part of the Concert for Diana.
Their new album 'In Search of the Fourth Chord' is due to be released in September 2007.
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