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12 octombrie 2007
Muzica buna | Sarah Connor - From Sarah With Love
[Verse 1:]
For so many years we were friends
And yes I always knew what we could do
But so many tears in the rain
Felt the night you said
That love had come to you
I thought you were not my kind
I thought that I could never feel for you
The passion and love you were feeling
And so you left
For someone new
And now that you're far and away
I'm sending a letter today
From Sarah with love
She'd got the lover she is dreaming of
She never found the words to say
But I know that today
She's gonna send her letter to you
From Sarah with love
She took your picture to the stars above
And they told her it is true
She could dare to fall in love with you
So don't make her blue when she writes to you
From Sarah with love
[Verse 2:]
So maybe the chance for romance
Is like a train to catch before it's gone
And I'll keep on waiting and dreaming
You're strong enough
To understand
As long as you're so far away
I'm sending a letter each day
[Last chorus:]
From Sarah with love
She'd got the lover she is dreaming of
She never found the words to say
But I know that today
She's gonna send her letter to you
From Sarah with love
She's gotta know what you are thinking of
'Cause every little now and then
And again and again
I know her heart cries out for you
From Sarah with love
She'd got the lover she is dreaming of
Never found the words to say, ahh
But today, but today...
From Sarah with love
She took your picture to the stars above
And they told her it is true
She could dare to fall in love with you
So don't make her blue when she writes to you
From Sarah with love
So don't make me blue when I write to you
From Sarah with love
Remember C C Catch
Va plac Are you man enough, Heartbreak Hotel, Soul Survivor, Backseat Of Your Cadillac?
Le veti regasi in acest videoclip.
Superba trecere prin principalele melodii
CC Catch Megamix !
Julee Cruise - Falling
video Julee Cruise - Falling
Versuri Julee Cruise - Falling
Don’t let yourself be hurt this time.
Don’t let yourself be hurt this time.
Then I saw your face
Then I saw your smile
The sky is still blue
The clouds come and go
Yet something is different
Are we falling in love?
Don’t let yourself be hurt this time.
Don’t let yourself be hurt this time.
Then your kiss so soft
Then your touch so warm
The stars still shine bright
The mountains still high
Yet something is different
Are we falling in love?
Are we falling in love?
Muzica la Sinca Veche | Twin Peaks
Am uitat cum se numea tanti, dar o gasesc eu
Sunt bogat
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Sa angajez pe cineva sa ridice premiile?
Doar o mica imagine la ce ajunge prin bulk:
Elizabeth Cole Claim @ Thu Oct 11, 2007 2k
Elizabeth Cole Claim @ Thu Oct 11, 2007 2k
Elezebeth Cole Claim @ Thu Oct 11, 2007 2k
THE IRISH LOTTERY Batch: 074/05/ZY369 Thu Oct 11, 2007 4k
Online Co-ordinator Re: Notification To Winners !! Thu Oct 11, 2007 3k
Pinkett Griffin ...Your...Email...Has...Won... Thu Oct 11, 2007 3k
IRISH LOTTERY Batch: 074/05/ZY369 Wed Oct 10, 2007 4k YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS HAS WON Wed Oct 10, 2007 3k
Abubaka Ali
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g tete FROM THE DESK OF GEORGE TETE Mon Oct 08, 2007 9k
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infosender02@ YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS HAS WON !!! Mon Oct 08, 2007 3k
Dr Usman Ibrahim Danko From Dr Usman Ibrahim / Mr Wahid Yoffe property. Mon Oct 08, 2007 11k
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kareem usmane READ THIS PROPOSAL Mon Oct 08, 2007 5k
winninginfo01@ YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS HAS WON !!! Mon Oct 08, 2007 3k
Xiaoyan hi Mon Oct 08, 2007 3k
zeningem Hello Friend, Mon Oct 08, 2007 6k
IRISH NATIONAL LOTTERY Batch: 074/05/ZY369 Sun Oct 07, 2007 8k
carley moujo I AM WAITING FOR URGENT REPLY. Sun Oct 07, 2007 6k
abou diallo Waiting for your reply urgently or call me-00226 78 80 82 28!!! Sun Oct 07, 2007 8k
IRISH NATIONAL LOTTERY Batch: 074/05/ZY369 Sun Oct 07, 2007 8k
Online Coordinator Congratulation..............Dear Lucky Winner, Sun Oct 07, 2007 5k
uklotteryonline@ Congratulation Lucky winner!!! Sun Oct 07, 2007 9k
rescuemedic@ CONGRATULATION YOU ARE A WINNER ! ! ! Sun Oct 07, 2007 5k Invitatie Sat Oct 06, 2007 2k
aziao enouke Can i trust you? Sat Oct 06, 2007 5k
10 octombrie 2007
Obsesia reclamelor
Prezentatoarea, o fosta jucatoare intr-o telenovela romaneasca, altaturi de (probabil) respectabile doamne care (tot probabil) au reusit in viata.
Spun "probabil" pentru ca ma cam doare mintea de avalansa de "ca cineva" sau alte cacofonii. Vorba aia, cine nu stie... conduce (educa).
Suparate rau stimatele doamne pe secretarele care se casatoresc cu barbati bogati si alte minuni. Banuiesc ca e vorba de gelozie: O tanara aspiranta cu cacofonia mereu in gura ar fi respinsa si de cel mai jalnic om de afaceri.
Intra un nene in direct, se prezinta frumos (de remarcat ca stimata prezentatoare a retinut doar judetul) si dupa o scurta prezentare, din context rezulta ca omul e distribuitor oriflame sau avon. Suparata foc, prezentatoarea il invita la casierie pentru... reclama dupa care il sictireste frumos din emisiune. Ma mir sincer ca l-au pastrat pe Oreste in emisiune dupa ce a amintit de Bill Gates (comert - produse software Microsoft).
Dau la rapid un search dupa "produse avon" si "produse oriflame" si nu gasesc nimc jenant.
Imi amintesc de vizita lui Bill Gates in Romania (presedintele uneia din numeroasele companii sofware americane - tot comert cu produse) filmat impreuna cu Presedintele Romaniei, domnul Traian Basescu, stire preluata pe toate posturile de televiziune. Asta da reclama
In concluzie, daca nu ai un nume mare, nu intra in emisiunile moderate de actrite de telenovele fara o pregatire specifica (cacofonica)
PS: De remarcat si reclama (cu adevarat) ascunsa privind oportunitatile de a castiga bani multi in Statele Unite. Probabil ca Europa e jalnica si nu face fata. Parca acum cateva zile domnul ministru al Sanatatii vroia sa stopeze migratia fortei de munca din domeniul medical in aceleasi State Unite. Ca de obicei America se mentine in top, ramanand tara tuturor posibilitatilor, potrivit opiniilor celor intrati in direct in emisiune.